What Time is It in Bali Now

Current Local Time in Bali and Time Zone Differences

Bali Time Zone Overview

Bali follows Central Indonesia Time (WITA), which is UTC+8. This places it ahead of many regions worldwide, so adjusting your schedule accordingly is essential.

Adapting to Bali Time

Adapting to Bali’s time zone may take a little time, but it’s an easy transition. Embrace the local rhythm, whether you’re up for sunrise or enjoying the vibrant nightlife.

Current local time in

Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia


Countries / Cities Time Differences to Bali

LocationLocal TimeTime Difference

Dive into Paradise: Explore Three Stunning Dive Center

Immerse yourself in the thrill of scuba diving as we guide you through four breathtaking spots: Bali, Nusa Penida, Tulamben, and Komodo Labuan Bajo. Discover vibrant marine life, crystal-clear waters, and the unmatched beauty of these hidden gems.

Komodo, Labuan Bajo

Wide AnglePhinisi BoatUNESCO World HeritageShark Point

Sanur, Bali

Shark PointSpeed Boat Manta Ray & Mola-Mola3 Diving Area

Tulamben, Bali

Liberty and Boga WrecksMacro Photography Spot Best Bali Dive Sites Shore Dive
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